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Leena Listens

About Leena Listens

I'm an Entrepreneur and Business Performance Coach passionate about helping start ups and Fashion Brands to help determine what a company stands for, and promote loyalty and clarity on their sales and profits and scale from startup to mega brand status.

Being born and brought up in India, having lived in different parts of India, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland and currently residing in France life has taken me to places, challenged me, and made me think out of the box constantly.


How can I help?

For those who don't know me, you might be wondering who l am and how I can help you. I have over 11 years experience in the fashion industry and have worked in all areas of the market, from low end mass produced brands through to high end designer labels.

My previous experience of working in export house, again training myself into Brand and Management from "Milano Fashion Institute" and being a Guest faculty in "Swiss Mode" followed by taking active part in PHD4 Fashion research program allow me to give you an overview of the industry, also in depth advice on specific topics you're struggling on; I am also running successfully my own small business of fashion buying House name "Indibala" for the last 11 years, so l can relate to the struggles that startups can face. I aim to empower and motivate my clients in our sessions.

Where to find me

1. Join me on Facebook
2. Follow me on LinkedIn
3. Follow me on Instagram Channel
4. Indibala
5. Leena Listens

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