Ideas for the future: winning projects of the ALT+F Hackathon

ALT+F Hackathon took place a month ago, and now that the dust has finally settled, it’s time to wrap up the event and take a look at the best projects that came out of the initiative. From the development of apps to improve HR management to the creation of projects that aim to value NGOs, ALT+F Hackathon included the presentation of prodigious projects that will have a promising future.

Let’s have a look!

Team Dynamics App design

Team Dynamics App design

Team Dynamics

Team Dynamics is all about helping managers build better and more productive teams. The project aims to match teams based on various analytical metrics obtained from the interaction between employees in the organization. In a business setting, most work is accomplished by teams of individuals. Because of this, it is important for employees to have the skills necessary to work effectively with others.

The proposal is a mobile application where employees can create their professional profiles and join their organization’s activity room. In the activity room, each participant will have a 1-on-1 session with all other participants for fixed time duration and after every interaction, each participant will provide feedback for other participants.

The project won category number 1 — involvement.

Mobile App Linker- Home Design

Mobile App Linker- Home Design


Linker is about linking local experts to opportunities. It’s an online and scalable platform that empowers local power. By doing this, all technic of the local experts can be discovered and can be paid for that, even they can be hired through their skills and technics to solve the local problems.

Local strength is bolstered by an online and saleable platform. By doing so, all of the local specialists’ techniques may be identified and paid for, and they can even be recruited to address local problems using their talents and techniques.

The project won category number 2 — inclusion.

Web Application HRooze- Dashboard

Web Application HRooze- Dashboard


Surveys have shown that Human Resources’ departments are facing difficulties when it comes to managing/inspecting the employees and their performances. HRooze comes as a software that provides a system that will help HR to tackle the problems faced in daily life. It is a platform for performance insight. HRooze gathers data from the employee’s page for analytics. It allows HR Department Head and Team Lead to use high-level overview and keep track of their employees. An employee can update their profile including the projects undertaken, projects done, working hours, leaves and personal information, and the skill sets possessed.

The project won category number 4 — insight.

Effortica Web Application- Dashboard

Effortica Web Application- Dashboard


Effortica is a system developed to help organisations fix problems related to project management. By using Effortica, a project manager may keep track of the progress of several departments’ activities, and an employer can keep track of project efforts. Every member’s involvement is recorded in the Effortica’s organization, which will be beneficial in predicting future project timelines. This will aid in the enhancement of productivity and product quality.

The project won category number 5 — impact.

ONG Cooperation App

ONG Cooperation App

ONG Cooperation

This is a platform that enables greater cooperation between NGOs present in the field in order to meet the needs of the population. The project aims to satisfy “all” of the population’s requirements through a more sustainable and coordinated resource allocation. And what are the functions of the platform? There are several: search which NGOs are available in each nation; find the data on each NGOs intervention is shown by nation; discover the new projects launched by NGOs and develop and advertise new initiatives. Besides, there’s a tab called “Requests for Assistance”, where NGOs can request assistance from other NGOs in order to satisfy all of the population’s requirements.

The project won category number 6 — innovation.




HeyEurope is an all-in-one app for young entrepreneurs, that empowers youth to learn about and engage with the European Union. The goal is to speed up the transition of the EU to sustainability. The users of this app will be able to get informed, learn, join communities and contribute to the EU. Furthermore, it enables individuals to participate in decision-making processes and apply for volunteer and career opportunities, having the chance of improving the future.

The project won category number 7 — imagination.

Besides the winning ideas, there were also a variety of projects created and developed during the Hackathon, through team work and the workshops provided. Despite having different goals, all of them are connected through the goal of improving people, either by education, health, communication or effective management.

Lifesy Health Care

There are a few issues that the medical services area faces each day, that technology can help to improve. Lifesy Health Care is solving some of those issues for a better and healthier world. The project plans to create Healthcare Web Applications, social Networking App for Healthcare Professionals, cloud + data analytics capabilities, prediction of diseases with symptoms, recommendations of doctors in nearby area, location of pharmacies and hospitals and, finally, blogs and newspaper of health by single subscription.


PostAll is a project which proposal is to enable users to post gifs, images, videos and hidden text to any social media website, even if that platform does not accept these formats of media. PostAll works with a unique id, which is stored in the Cassandra database. Cassandra stores these ids together with pertinent information, such as what this id represents (an image, video, or text) and what the true value of this id is (an image url or a video url).

Fresher Capsule

Fresher Capsule was created with the aim of helping fresh graduate engineering students to prepare for placements and the recruitment process. The team intends to create a capsule of skills required by the corporate, and help to prepare the students for campus placements.

This is altogether a great effort for Fresher, Engineering students in both undergrad and postgrad degrees can improve their employability.


Settlor is a web app for management systems (it’s an organizer that brings together different management systems all in one — schools, hospitals, HR, scientific, etc.). It helps users to manage and organize or update the content in a graphical manner. For every management system, employees have many costs for servers, domain hosting, maintenance, etc.; Settlor cuts down these costs for users who have basic knowledge of CSI files and UI design.

There’s no need for extra database and the user can choose only the functionality he’s looking for. There’s no particular industry, it’s useful for all — that’s the beauty of settlor. It’s not exclusively and HR management systems.


Parents now prefer remote methods of communication close to them, such as online student portals, as 70% of parents are less likely to attend parent-teacher physical conferences or school events. Studies show that 6/10 students who fail in their academics, fail due to a lack of parental involvement. Shuleyetu is a digital school administration software system and an e-learning platform that allows parents to participate fully in their children’s education, guaranteeing that no kid is left behind.

At the end, we managed to accomplish some important goals with this Hackathon — diversity of the members of the teams either by nationality, gender or field of expertise; creation and development of a scope of projects that have the potential to redefine the future of work and people development.