How to set yourself up for rewards at AltF

To make things easy for you to understand, we have jotted down a few steps you need in preparing for your scheduled pitches and set up your reward system in place.

In a nutshell, each team will get 30-minute slot, 5 mins to pitch, 10 minutes of Q&A and, 10 mins of setup of rewards, wallets and other benefits of participation.

In the final stages of the projects, it’s time to start updating your project pages on TAIKAI for the evaluations.


Read the article for steps to setup your rewards and everything you need to do to make the best out of this summit.

Before you go on spending your days and nights engrossed in ALT+F Summit, there a few things you can do to make the best out of this experience:

1. You need a safe and secure browser

Before you start collecting your crypto rewards and everything to deal with e-wallets, we want to make sure you get the best and safe experience handling all these transactions. And before you even further your online dealings, what better browser that safely let’s you connect your wallet, protects your data and personal information and gives you the fastest browsing experience all in one than Brave.


Step 1 for you is to download brave browser on your device and slide into the safety of surfing online without being tracked or nudged by advertisers & hackers.

Step 1: Download a safe & secure browser

But why Brave, right?

Brave is the new-age web browsing experience that has been able to make a mark in providing privacy while browsing & offering a crypto based ad network. Brave intercepts advertisements and website tracking, it will feature Wikipedia as the first top-10 verified sites on the platform and accept gratuities and donations in the form of Basic Attention Tokens (BAT).

Why should you use Brave?

User privacy is in crisis. It’s in an ever-increasing consumer-surveillance ad model that relies on tracking and profiling users. Issues ranging from large scale ad based political manipulations to fake media, are tearing the social fabric of truth, trust and transparency. This is where Brave comes in and gives you the safe and secure browsing experience.

When we say you will get rewards and token coins for participating, we will be making sure you are equipped with the right gear to avail the benefits of it all.

Step 2 for you would be to download metamask.


Step 1.1: Download Metamask and set it up

This step involves a few processes for you to follow and make your online digital crypto wallet not just safe from hackers but online tracking and spamming ads.

So, to begin you need to understand the ins and outs of getting a wallet with MetaMask.

Setting up your wallet, you need to:

1. Download and install the MetaMask browser extension. Once enabled, the MetaMask icon appears next to the Brave shield menu icon.


2. Select “Create a Wallet.”

3. Create a username and password.


4. Once you have stored your uniquely assigned Secret Recovery Phrase, you need to keep it somewhere safe and accessible to only you.

Once you are done with the above steps, you will be able to see MetaMask in your browser.

Once you have downloaded brave and metamask in your device, you will have the safety and protection in buying, storing, sending and swapping tokens online, in a nutshell, you will have everything you need to manage your important digital assets.

Understanding Metamask & why its secure

Unlike other crypto wallets out there, MetaMask is built to be privacy-first. Now it’s easier for you to access, store and swap tokens, without having to worry about dApps or exchanges accessing your personal data. Using MetaMask, you are in control of all your assets and data sets.

Using Metamask with Dapps

Let’s take an example of VideoWiki / Treejer connect:

Step 1. Install Metamask and create a Wallet address.

Step 2. Visit Treejer and select “Connect Wallet” button at top of the page

Step 3. Select “Metamask” as the wallet and continue

A pop-up window appears and you need to approve the message

Connecting MetaMask to any website like Treejer or VideoWiki.

That’s how you install and set up your wallet in your device. Once done, you’ll be able to access your wallet for your transactions. To be able to fully utilize the benefits of the summit airdrops and more (wink wink), you will be required to add OCEAN token to your wallet . This enables you and all the participants in experiencing the best of the tools we have in the marketplace.

2. Winning all the way through the summit. Set yourself for the rewards


All the prizes will be distributed in the OCEAN tokens, its helpful to know a bit about our sponsor and the real power behind these tokens, its not just a cash incentive but Ocean market is a marketplace that have superpowers in blockchain and all things decentralized currency. It is a platform which provides tokens for buying and selling. It’s a decentralized exchange (DEX), tuned for data.

Interoperability. Ocean-powered markets publish, buy, sell, and consume datatokens, which are ERC20. Therefore, you can publish a datatoken in Ocean Market, store it in Metamask, transfer it to a DAO, and perform other DeFi operations.

Sending an invoice for the winning

1. Set your account and prepare invoices via Req Network (Non Portuguese Residents)


2. Set your account with Utrust (Portuguese Participants)


Once you have signed up in Request network (Signup with the link for $10 reward l, ;), Request will be used for our international prize winners out of Portugal, you will be able to receive your prices and raise your invoices through the platform in a seamless and secure manner. (For seamless process, you will be required to add your Metamask ETH address or you can even add Coinbase, whichever suits you.)

3. How to vote in a project? Going for the grand prize?

Voting using KAI distribution:

To vote in a project, you simply transfer KAI tokens to the projects you love. To do that:

  • Go to the projects page you want to vote on and click on the “Add to Voting Cart” button;
  • You select as many KAI tokens as you think the project deserves and add them to your Voting Cart;
  • You put the eggs in several baskets or go all-in. It’s up to you!
  • After you’re done with repeating the process for all projects you want to vote, just click on your Voting Cart, confirm your transactions and click on “checkout”.

And you’re done!! If you want to understand the math behind the voting and divident rewards.

As a result of all rewards assigned to the users during their participation in TAIKAI challenges, a global leaderboard is presented to showcase the best TAIKAI community heroes. Any user, to climb up the ranking ladder, is encouraged to participate frequently and create projects that seduce the juries.

In order to differentiate the contributions made by a user we decided to present to our users the following rankings:

  • Innovator Ranking: a standing table that displays the top 100 innovators ordered by the number of innovator rewards received.
  • Backer Ranking: a standing table that displays the top 100 backers ordered by the number of backer rewards received.
  • Global Ranking: a standing table that displays the top 100 users ordered by the number of rewards (innovator+backer) received

Rewards and Benefits

Your Partcipation certificates will be issued through Certtin by GetBoarded and provided with a decetralized link.


Other benefits you will receive

Let us spill all the beans already and give you a glimpse of what all you will be taking away as paybacks:

1. We believe in the Network effect: we shall be sharing the LinkedIn urls for all participants and speakers so that you are able to grow your personal brand. Connect personally with speakers on their linkedin and get an influential network.

2. Expect some freebies: Yes, why not! We shall be sending away some really cool freebies on your way home or where you currently reside

3. Premium access to valuable brands: We shall be giving you premium access to VideoWiki account as Branded classrooms for your internal discussions, it’s on the house yeah!

4. Set your own projects your way with Miroverse for all your brainstorming and planning

5. Get access to premium Freshworks account: Startups in the Alt+F community can signup and claim access to credits upto $10000 across essential products like: CRM, Helpdesk, Marketing automation, HRMS, ITSM, Live chat, Cloud Telephony etc; Claim your exclusive benefits here.

Not only will you be a major part of this grand summit, you will also be participating in the judging process in an innovative and democratic manner.

As a Jury, you’re also an investor in TAIKAI. You’ll be awarded with KAI (TAIKAI’s social token) to select the top projects that will win the challenge. When the voting starts, you can invest in the projects you like the most using your KAI.

Once you have signed up to vote, you will be redirected to the top projects to support by voting.



Since a lot of hard work and effort goes into building such impactful and powerful hackathons, it gives us immense pleasure and satisfaction to be having excellent minds like yours to be a part of this change, called the Alternate Futures. Join the talks, and see you around.