Digital for Diversity

There’s been more than one year that we took life to an online format. Education, work, leisure; nothing escaped and all had to be done between 4 walls in any kind of technological device.

So when our team started organizing the Alternate Future Summit, we could have considered doing it as a physical event. However, there’s an obvious benefit when we’re talking about hosting an online summit: the global access to it. The Alternate Future Summit, being a 100% virtual event, allows anyone with access to internet to attend, which gives us the opportunity to gather a diverse group of people.

Since the summit is starting with a two-day hackathon, we’ll have candidates from different backgrounds participating. The teams will include individuals not only from different fields of study, but also from different cultures, locations and backgrounds. This will allow them to come up with the most creative and innovative solutions, since they’ll be having discussions from very different perspectives.

Why a hackathon on the Summit?

Hackathons are effective as they facilitate a set of creative minds to come together and focus their energy on a single goal in a short amount of time.

A company would certainly never have the idea of looking at certain aspects from different angles, as does a diverse team on a hackathon, united only by the urge to do things differently, better or in a completely new manner.

Community Creation

In our technology-centric world, no one is exempt of unpredictable disruption by technology startups. To stay current and connected to the makers and entrepreneurs that may be leading these overnight sensations, it has become more and more important for all businesses to engage with and create an innovation community of their own.


As project-based challenges, it’s hackathons that come closest to testing a candidate’s capabilities of handling challenges in the workplace. It’s challenging for companies to gain exposure, garner interest and determine the best talent. Companies gain awareness in the developer community and are perceived as “hacker-friendly”.